The CABF through its Credentials Committee offers accreditation to clergy who meet and maintain its accreditation standards as outlined here. The Committee has a disciplinary process that may lead to credentials being suspended or removed.
The CABF through its Credentials Committee offers an Association License to Minister as described here. It must be renewed annually.
For more information please contact the Committee Chair:
Rev. Dr. Rusty Edwards
1300 Oxford Street, Halifax, NS B3H 3Y8
Email: Credentials Chair
CABF Accredited Clergy
Effa, Rev. Dr. Alan
Hunter, Rev. Susan*
Keay, Rev. Jeremy*
Sato, Rev. Dr. Ryan*
Strain, Rev. Amanda*
Traynor, Rev.Craig
*on the CABF list with the Alberta Government of the ministers authorized to perform marriages
British Columbia
Smith, Rev. Anne Baxter
*on the CABF list with the BC Government of the ministers authorized to perform marriages
Nova Scotia
Boyd, Rev. John E.*
Churchill, Rev. Dr. John E.*
Clark, Rev. Renee
Csinos, Rev. Dr. David*
Easter, Rev. Ian
Edwards, Rev. Dr. Paul "Rusty"*
Eisener, Rev. Jenny*
Estey, Rev. Pam
Gibson, Rev. Dr. J. Daniel
Hopkins, Rev. Hedley
Johnson, Rev. Arla
Kirkegaard, Rev. Hugh
Knowles, Rev. Dr. Marlene*
Scott, Rev. Sarah*
Tonks, Rev. John*
White, Rev. Jeffrey
*on the CABF list with the Nova Scotia Civil Register of ministers authorized to prerform marriages
Hecht, Rev. Dr. Mandi
Dempsey, Rev. Deborah
Dempsey, Rev. Terrence
Radford, Rev. Bert
CABF Association License Holders
Scarpuzzi, Lic. Jonathan
White, Lic. Sharon