The CABF has seventeen member congregations, ten of them in Nova Scotia, two in Ontario, one in Saskatchewan, two in Alberta and two in British Columbia. Many of these Churches are also members of their respective Conventions as well as members of the CABF. We are open to receive other Canadian Baptist Churches into membership upon application, details available here.
4304 16 St. SW Calgary AB T2T 4H9
(403) 243-4304
...Minister: Rev. Dr. Judy Shierman
Arlington United Baptist Church (no website)
2476 Gospel Woods Road, Arlington NS
Mailing Address: Church Clerk c/o PO Box 86 Canning NS B0P1H0
(902) 582-1262
Chair of Trustees: Trevor Buttler (902) 582-1714
Bayside Baptist Church, Halifax Co.
Prospect Rd
Bayside, NS B3Z1L8
Burlington Baptist Church
2225 New Street, Burlington, ON
Senior Minister: Rev. David Ogilvie
1636 Acadia Drive, Saskatoon, SK.
(306) 477-1234
Pastor: Rob Priestly
Falmouth Baptist Church
404 Town Road Falmouth, NS
Senior Pastor: Rev. Gail Whalen-Dunn
First Baptist Church Amherst
90 Victoria Street, Amherst, NS B4H 1X6
Senior Minister: Rev. Jeffrey White
Minister Emeritus: Rev. Byron Corkum

902 542 3495

United Baptist Church - Mahone Bay
56 Maple Street, Mahone Bay, NS B0J 2E0
Minister: Rev. Sherrolyn M. Riley
Wolfville Baptist Church
487 Main Street, Wolfville, NS B4P 1E3
Minister: Rev. Dr. Scott Kindred-Barnes
Pastor of Families and Community Outreach: Rev. Ruth Tonn
Pastor of Congregational Care: Chaplain Jennifer Longley