Letter to Members and Friends of the CABF

The January, 2025 Letter to Members and Friends is available here.

We encouraged you to share this with those who you feel might be interested and to post it on your Church bulletin board.

If you have not received a copy of this letter in your personal email account and would like to receive future communications as soon as they are posted, just notify us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

--CABF Executive and Council

Council Meetings

The minutes from the Council Meetings here (scroll down page).  Please note that some historical minutes are still being added to this page.

Council Approves Special Project to Update the CABF Governance Structure

With the rapid expansion of the CABF in recent years, both with respect to the number and geographic distribution of individual members and member churches and the increase in the number of activities, such as the Cross Canada Conferences and contacts with other like-minded organizations within Canada and internationally, the time has come to review the Association's amended By-Law #2 to identify places where it can be updated and meet evolving needs.  The Policy and Procedures Manual will also need to be updated.

At its November 13, 2024 meeting, Council unanimously approved the following motion: "That the Consititution and Governance Committee be given a mandate to do a thorough review of the needs of the CABF organizations with regard to structure and governance and any necessary changes to the By-Laws, to position us to move forward as a national organization."

A copy of a document providing background and introduction to the Special Project is available here.

A number of people have agreed to join the Special Project Team and the team has had its first meeting.  A number of tasks have been assigned to individuals or small groups.  On December 11, 2024, the Special Project Team met via Zoom with Council to report on progress and present the first few resolutions for updating the governance structure--all related to formalizing the Executive Committee of Council which is so crucial to ongoing planning, organizing and implementing the work of the Association.  Most of the Special Project Team work will be done behind the scenes, but it will meet once each month to review progress and prepare for the monthly meeting with Council to review options for potential strategies for each area where improvement is desired.  When completed, this work will come to a Meeting of Members for discussion and vote on a Special Resolution to amend By-Law #2 and make changes to the Policy and Procedures Manual.

Initial work has attempted to identify issues and opportunities for improving our processes.  We are looking for as broad input as possible and would welcome written submissions.  We are also happy to speak with you, if you would like a personal interview or to participate in a small focus group.  In any case, please contact the Special Project Team by using the Contact Us button for Constitution Chair at the right of this page or sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  We look forward to your input!

At its meeting on December 11, 2024, CABF Council passed a resolution to formalize the Council Executive, which has been operating on an informal basis for a number of years.  The Executive will be composed of the Officers of the Association, with the power to add by resolution of Council.  Intially, this will be by establishing the Executive as an Ad Hoc Committee of Council, but when the work of the Special Project to Update the CABF Governance Structure is complete, establishing the Executive of Council on a permanent basis will be one of the amendments proposed to By-Law #2.  The purpose of the Executive is to plan and facilitate the work of Council and to reduce the number of Council Meetings requires to deal with routine matters between Council Meetings.  Terms of Refernce for Council Executive are being developed for inclusion in the Policy and Procedures Manual.

For more information on the Special Project, please click here.